Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oh, So Fine at 89!

Today is my Grandma Norma's 89th birthday. It was a little over 66 years ago that she stood on this stage in Italy and sang to thousands of serviceman as a USO performer. (If you look closely, you can see a few men sitting in the trees hoping to get a better view of this 22-year-old songbird.)

And here she is last November on Veteran's Day. Her assisted living home hosted a special program to honor all veterans. She sang I'll Be Seeing You with my mom and sister and then showed off her storyboard of photos, newspaper clippings and memorabilia.

And to prove she can still sing after all these years, here's a short video of her serenading the tulips at the Dallas Arboretum.

Happy birthday, Grandma!

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